Thursday, February 5, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Wow, it's amazing how much snow can fall in Indiana! I love it, but I sure hate working out in it. I need to work on not being a wuss when it comes to the cold. I do workout inside but there are some big things that are fresh air, sunlight, and the wide open world.

I was raised in southern New Mexico, so winters were never like this. We could get bikes for Christmas and ride them that day. When I was in college, my swimming classes were held outside in January. Not to say it wasn't cold, but not like this.

I find shoveling snow a fun experience, my husband on the other hand doesn't since he does most of it. ;) The falling snowflakes are so magical and a piece of art.

This is one of the big reasons I cannot workout outside, because I will get distracted and not pay attention and end up falling or hurting myself falling on ice. Did that sound like an excuse???
I can sort of defend myself in the warmer weather, I do all of my workouts outside.

I have also found that soups are really good. We didn't have lots of soup because it was hot outside. Now it's lovely veggies in a warm broth, that warms from the inside out. Who knew?

Life is good, workouts are good, food is good, it seems like a good week.

Sorry about the Cardinals.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Seeing your comments about growing up in New Mexico brought back some really strong memories about South Louisiana winters when I was growing up. In high school, my group of friends "thing" to do after the Christmas midday meal was to get together and go water skiing! No wet suits needed. We did that the 3 years we were in high school and met when everyone was home from college to do the same thing. But I have grown to love season change and don't think I want to go back to that - at least for a decade or so. I am not surprised about this winter we are having. I chose for the first time since I live here (27 years) to run outside! Go figure!